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01 | Petrified |
Ingenting er som en bra, uptempo poplåt med et uimotståelig refreng og et vers som bygger opp til refrenget på akkurat den riktige måten. Problemet er at det er så mange av dem, og altfor mange prøver for hardt. Begrepet 'demokratisk musikk' stammer muligens fra et helt annet sted, men Flunk har alltid relatert dette begrepet til de første R.E.M.-platene - hvor ordene og artikuleringen gjorde det nesten umulig å høre hva Michael Stipe sang, til melodier og oppbygninger som ikke prøvde for hardt. Også dette er en formel, men en formel som Flunk stort sett har hold seg til. 'Petrified' er en sånn låt, prototype Flunk. Dette er den tilstanden Flunk prøver å sette lytteren i. En ikke påtrengende tilstand, et tankefullt, men godt sted å være. Og ja, teksten låner fra en episk Bright Eyes-låt - 'Coyote Song': 'Loving you is easy, I can do it in my sleep'. | There is nothing like a great, upbeat pop song with an irresistible singalong chorus supported by a perfectly matching verse. The problem is that there are so goddamn many of them. And trying too hard never do the trick in our book. The term 'democratic music' may originate in something else, but Flunk have always related this term to R.E.M. - where the words and articulation makes it hard to completely catch Mr Stipe's words, and they were most often set to tunes and structures which never tried too hard. Which made you insert meanings and feelings attached to their songs. It's a kind of formula, this too, but it's something Flunk have stuck to. Most of the time. 'Petrified' is that kind of song, prototype Flunk, a formula we very often turn to. Probably because this is the kind of music we like, the kind of attitude we like, and the frame of mind we wish to pass on to the listener. So there is no way we would want to explain the song. But we hope the mood, the words, the strings, the flow will put you in a space and state of mind where you are comfortable to stay for a few minutes. In a good place. And yes, the lyrics borrow a line from Bright Eyes' epic 'Coyote Song' intro words: 'Loving you is easy, I can do it in my sleep'. |
![]() | Flunk: Format: Digital Single press info |
01 | Petrified (SKL Floating Mix) |
02 | Petrified (SKL Electro Disco Mix) |
SKL is Eskild Trulsen, not too known outside the Norwegian underground, but he has been making music for several decades in bands like Stereoskill, Anstalt, Beta Phreakuency and Sinus. His remixes of Flunk's Petrified have stripped the original to the bone, and rebuilt it into one soothing downbeat electronica/ambient version, and one uptempo remix for the dance floors. |
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