![]() Design/artwork by Bernt Ottem | Various: Format: 7" |
A | Bugge Wesseltoft featuring Sidsel Endresen: You Might Say (mind over midi remix) |
B | Lorenzo: Head Odyssey (mind over midi analog mix) |
You Might Say: Composed by Bugge Wesseltoft. Lyrics by Sidsel Endresen. Original produced by Bugge Wesseltoft. Remix and additional production by Helge Tømmervåg. Original version taken from the Bugge Wesseltoft's New Conception of Jazz album "Sharing" (Jazzland/Universal). Appear courtesy of
Jazzland Recordings and Universal Music Norway.Photo by Einar Bangsund. Graphic design by
[email protected](p) & (c) 2000 Beatservice Records. All rights reserved.
Distributed by Voices of Wonder.
På denne 7"-utgivelsen får vi høre jazz og indie-rock filtrert gjennom Mind over MIDIs maskinpark. "You Might Say" er hentet fra Bugge Wesseltoft's New Conception of Jazz album "Sharing". Sidsel Endresens vokal er det eneste som er beholdt fra originalen, og Helge Tømmervågs minimalistiske ICE Acoustik(tm) lydbilde forsterker det melankolske i låten. B-siden er viet Lorenzo, et indie rock-band som i likhet med Helge Tømmervåg er fra Kristiansund. Også på deres låt er kun vokalen med fra originalen, og det analoge, minimalistiske lyd-landskapet gir låten et mere kjølig og dystert preg. Helge Tømmervåg har også gjort remixer for 22 Pistepirkko, Frost, Motion Control, Audun Kleive, Nils Petter Molvær og Cloroform. | This 7" brings us jazz and indie-rock filtered through the machines of Mind over MIDI. "You Might Say" is taken from Bugge Wesseltoft's New Conception of Jazz album "Sharing". Sidsel Endresens vocal is the only thing left from the original, and Helge Tømmervågs minimalistic ICE Acoustik(tm) soundscape enhances the melancholy of the original. Lorenzo are featured on the b-side. They are an indie rock-band from Kristiansund, also the hometown of Helge Tømmervåg. On their remix, the vocal is also the only thing left, and the analogue, minimalistic soundscape gives the song a more dark and eerie sound. Helge Tømmervåg has also done remixes for 22 Pistepirkko, Frost, Motion Control, Audun Kleive, Nils Petter Molvær and Cloroform. |
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