![]() Design/artwork by Tor Åge Larsen Vorren | Xploding Plastix: Format: LP press info |
On license in USA, England, Germany, France and Japan
A1 | 6-hours starlight |
A2 | Behind the eightball |
A3 | Single stroke ruffs |
A4 | Shakedown shutoff |
A5 | Relieved beyond repair |
B1 | Happy jizz girls |
B2 | Having smarter babies |
B3 | Tintinnamputation |
B4 | Comatose luck |
"La fantasien løpe løpsk et øyeblikk: Forestill deg store Charlie Mingus plukkende på bassen. Så kommer Gene Krupa inn på trommene - bare med fire armer, og han spiller som han var besatt av en ond ånd. Bak platespillerne lurer Amin Tobin inn alt fra sambarytmer til piano- og blåsersamples. Nå begynner du å nærme deg musikken til Xploding Plastix - osloduoen som burde hatt permanent spillejobb hos Jabba The Hut i Star Wars." Øyvind Holen, Dagsavisen. Xploding Plastix består av Hallvard Wennersberg Hagen og Jens Petter Nilsen, og sammen utgjør de noe av det friskeste som har skjedd i hovedstaden på veldig veldig lenge. Med sin blanding av obskure jazz-samples, kule beats, melodisk teft, en "anything goes"-mentalitet og ikke så rent lite humor, har de skapt sin helt særegne stil. En slags eldre Amon Tobin møter Scott Walker på en røykfylt luguber jazz-klubb. Varemerket til Xploding Plastix er først og fremst låtskriving, noe som er ganske spesielt for det musikalske landskap man umiddelbart ville plassere Xploding Plastix i. Kombinerer vi dette med en utsøkt smak for film noire, så begynner vi å nærme oss. Dette er Balearic beats, lo-fi, state of the art fuck-upz, rett og slett sweet! Xploding Plastix har også rykte på seg som et fremragende live-orkester, med legendariske konserter på blant annet Blå i Oslo og under In The City festivalen i Manchester i fjor. Den engelske musikkavisa NME skrev: "Meanwhile, over at Jam, Norwegians Xploding Plastix - two nutcases with lots of small boxes and a terrible name - are offering upheaval of a different kind. Theirs is a big, disorienting future-jazz racket, splicing DJ Food's mad drums, Aphex Twin's time signatures and The Herbaliser's moodiest, cinematic bits. Awesome." | Imagine Charlie Mingus plucking the bass. Along comes Gene Krupa on the drums - only with four arms, and playing like an evil spirit possessed him. Behind the decks Amin Tobin are sneaking in everything from samba rhythms to piano and horn samples. You are now beginning to get close to the sound of Xploding Plastix - a duo from Oslo, Norway, who could have been booked permanently at the residents of Jabba The Hut in "Star Wars". Øyvind Holen, Dagsavisen, Norway. Xploding Plastix is Hallvard Wennersberg Hagen and Jens Petter Nilsen, and together they are some of the most interesting and refreshing thing that has happened in Norway for a very long time. With their mixture of obscure jazz-samples, cool beats, melodic feel, an "anything goes"-mentality and quite a bit of humour, they have created their own unique style. A kind of older Amon Tobin meets Scott Walker on a smoke filled sleazy jazz-club. Throw in an exquisite taste for film-noire, and we are getting closer. This is Balearic beats, lo-fi, state of the art fuck-upz, simply sweet! Xploding Plastix have also made a reputation as quite a live experience, with legendary performances on the Blå (Blue) jazz-club in Oslo, Norway, and during the In The City festival in Manchester last year. NME wrote: "Meanwhile, over at Jam, Norwegians Xploding Plastix - two nutcases with lots of small boxes and a terrible name - are offering upheaval of a different kind. Theirs is a big, disorienting future-jazz racket, splicing DJ Food's mad drums, Aphex Twin's time signatures and The Herbaliser's moodiest, cinematic bits. Awesome." |
![]() Design/artwork by Tor Åge Larsen Vorren | Xploding Plastix: Format: CD press info // reviews |
On license in USA, England, Germany, France and Japan
01 | Sports, not heavy crime |
02 | Funnybones & lazylegs |
03 | 6-hours starlight |
04 | Behind the eightball |
05 | Single stroke ruffs |
06 | Treat me mean, I need the reputation |
07 | Relieved beyond repair |
08 | Tintinnamputation |
09 | More powah to ya |
10 | Having smarter babies |
11 | Far-flung Tonic |
12 | Happy jizz girls |
13 | Doubletalk gets through to you |
14 | Comatose luck |
"La fantasien løpe løpsk et øyeblikk: Forestill deg store Charlie Mingus plukkende på bassen. Så kommer Gene Krupa inn på trommene - bare med fire armer, og han spiller som han var besatt av en ond ånd. Bak platespillerne lurer Amin Tobin inn alt fra sambarytmer til piano- og blåsersamples. Nå begynner du å nærme deg musikken til Xploding Plastix - osloduoen som burde hatt permanent spillejobb hos Jabba The Hut i Star Wars." Øyvind Holen, Dagsavisen. Xploding Plastix består av Hallvard Wennersberg Hagen og Jens Petter Nilsen, og sammen utgjør de noe av det friskeste som har skjedd i hovedstaden på veldig veldig lenge. Med sin blanding av obskure jazz-samples, kule beats, melodisk teft, en "anything goes"-mentalitet og ikke så rent lite humor, har de skapt sin helt særegne stil. En slags eldre Amon Tobin møter Scott Walker på en røykfylt luguber jazz-klubb. Varemerket til Xploding Plastix er først og fremst låtskriving, noe som er ganske spesielt for det musikalske landskap man umiddelbart ville plassere Xploding Plastix i. Kombinerer vi dette med en utsøkt smak for film noire, så begynner vi å nærme oss. Dette er Balearic beats, lo-fi, state of the art fuck-upz, rett og slett sweet! Xploding Plastix har også rykte på seg som et fremragende live-orkester, med legendariske konserter på blant annet Blå i Oslo og under In The City festivalen i Manchester i fjor. Den engelske musikkavisa NME skrev: "Meanwhile, over at Jam, Norwegians Xploding Plastix - two nutcases with lots of small boxes and a terrible name - are offering upheaval of a different kind. Theirs is a big, disorienting future-jazz racket, splicing DJ Food's mad drums, Aphex Twin's time signatures and The Herbaliser's moodiest, cinematic bits. Awesome." | Imagine Charlie Mingus plucking the bass. Along comes Gene Krupa on the drums - only with four arms, and playing like an evil spirit possessed him. Behind the decks Amin Tobin are sneaking in everything from samba rhythms to piano and horn samples. You are now beginning to get close to the sound of Xploding Plastix - a duo from Oslo, Norway, who could have been booked permanently at the residents of Jabba The Hut in "Star Wars". Øyvind Holen, Dagsavisen, Norway. Xploding Plastix is Hallvard Wennersberg Hagen and Jens Petter Nilsen, and together they are some of the most interesting and refreshing thing that has happened in Norway for a very long time. With their mixture of obscure jazz-samples, cool beats, melodic feel, an "anything goes"-mentality and quite a bit of humour, they have created their own unique style. A kind of older Amon Tobin meets Scott Walker on a smoke filled sleazy jazz-club. Throw in an exquisite taste for film-noire, and we are getting closer. This is Balearic beats, lo-fi, state of the art fuck-upz, simply sweet! Xploding Plastix have also made a reputation as quite a live experience, with legendary performances on the Blå (Blue) jazz-club in Oslo, Norway, and during the In The City festival in Manchester last year. NME wrote: "Meanwhile, over at Jam, Norwegians Xploding Plastix - two nutcases with lots of small boxes and a terrible name - are offering upheaval of a different kind. Theirs is a big, disorienting future-jazz racket, splicing DJ Food's mad drums, Aphex Twin's time signatures and The Herbaliser's moodiest, cinematic bits. Awesome." |
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