BS058 Athome Project: A Feeling Of Care (tre nøtter til röyksopp)

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Design/artwork by Bernt Ottem

Athome Project:
A Feeling Of Care (tre nøtter til röyksopp)

Format: 12"
Label: Beatservice Records
Catalogue number: BS058
Release date: 10. mar 2003
Export date: 5. apr 2003

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three-part 17 minute Röyksopp remix!!


A Feeling Of Care (første nøtt til röyksopp: mer (100 km/t))


A Feeling Of Care (andre nøtt til röyksopp: salt (ms-20))


A Feeling Of Care (tredje nøtt til röyksopp: hav (rus))


A Feeling Of Care (original)


The Spy (universal funk's afro lounge remix)

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BS058 Athome Project: A Feeling Of Care
Stian Jacobsen er mest kjent som hovedmannen i Athome Project. Men han har også en litt mindre kjent oppgave: når hans gode venner Svein og Torbjørn aka Röyksopp har trøbbel med datamaskinene sine, så er det Stian de ringer. For å gjengjelde utallige hardware og software trøbbel-fiksing, har Röyksopp levert en remix av en av de mest fremtredende låtene på Athome Project sitt selv-titulerte album; A Feeling Of Care.

Det tok nesten et halvt år i Röyksopp sitt pressede program å få den ferdig, men den var vel verdt å vente på! Resultatet er nemlig en nesten 17 minutter tredelt konseptuell sak med tittel "tre nøtter til röyksopp", inspirert av den Tsjekkiske julefilmen "Tre nøtter til Askepott" (siden remixen ble levert i jula).

Originalversjonen av A Feeling Of Care er en soulfull og funky sak med Caitlin Simpson's framtredende vokal. Men tradisjonen tro har Röyksopp plukket låten fullstendig fra hverandre og bygd opp en helt ny låt. Eller rettere sagt tre nye låter. Første nøtt (mer (100 km/t) er en fengende electro-funk-låt, andre nøtt (salt (MS-20)) er en hypnotisk og hard progressiv house-låt, mens tredje og siste nøtt (hav (rus)) er en litt mere ned-dempet, men fortsatt ganske funky electronica sak. Tre nøtter for enhver smak med andre ord!

På b-sida får vi originalversjonen fra albumet, samt nok en vennetjeneste, Athome Project remixet i fjor sommer en låt fra danske Universal Funk, og i retur har han fått en "afro lounge" remix av The Spy, en fin og jazza bossa-miks.

Stian Jacobsen is the man behind Athome Project. But he also has a lesser known mission: when his good friends Svein and Torbjørn aka Röyksopp have trouble with their computers, Stian is their man. To return numerous favours of hardware and software troublefixing, Röyksopp have delivered a remix of one of the key tracks from Athome Project's self titled debut album; A Feeling Of Care.

It took almost half a year in the rather packed schedule for Röyksopp to finish the remix, but it was well worth the wait! The result is no less than an almost 17 minutes three-part conceptual thing with the title "tre nøtter til röyksopp", inspired by the Czech Christmas movie from the 70's "Three nuts for Cinderella", a movie that is shown every Christmas on Norwegian television - and the remix was finished and delivered in the Christmas.

The original version of A Feeling Of Care is a soulful and funky track with Caitlin Simpson's distinct vocal works. But true to their tradition of remixing, Röyksopp have picked the track into pieces, and built a complete new track. Or rather, three new tracks. The first nut (mer (100 km/t) is a irresistible electrofunk track, the second nut (salt (MS-20)) is a hypnotic and hard progressive house track, while the third and final nut (hav (rus)) is a bit more gentle, but still rather funky electronica track. Three nuts for every taste, in other words!

On the b-side we get the original album version, plus another friendly favour. Athome Project remixed a track from the Danish Universal Funk last summer, and in return, he got their "afro lounge" remix of The Spy, cool and jazzy bossa-mix.

Anmeldelser [reviews in english other languages]


Keep On (UK), Interloop (USA)
Media darlings and Norwegian masters of a variety of soundscapes, R�yksopp,turn in a mind-bending epic 3-part reinterpretation of "A Feeling OfCare", while Universal Funk reworks "The Spy" with stunningresults. The 1st part of R�yksopp's mix "Mer (100 km/t)" keeps thebreakbeat infected vibe of the original, as emphatic straight lacedpercussion, a bug eyed analogue heavy bass, and perfected bliss stings combine.Part 2 "Salt (MS20)" is an anxious parnaoia gripped technified key ledcut, with a pummeling bass backing. While "Hav (Rus)", the third partis an atmospheric drenced compassionate string led piece with stoned beats,dreamed exploratory keys and a crawling bass. Universal Funk's "Afro LoungeMix"of "The Spy" is an assured jazzed beauty where gorge lavishkeys, utopian vocals and tingling strings combine wonderfully.

Excerpts from promotion feedback:

IDJ MAGAZINE � FULL REVIEW �17 minute epic� 3/5 review
FACT MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW �indulgent twaddle ?Nay ! Genuis !�
MIXMAG MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW �Hav is a beautiful affair and sounds like Jean Michel Jarre on MDMA�
STRAIGHT NO CHASER MAGAZINE-FULL REVIEW � the third part sounds like classic Orb with stylehouse,not house beats�
PLATFORM -FULL REVIEW �a deep bassline and penetrative chords dice up a classy vocal, complemented further by well programmed percussion�
DISCOID MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW �a massive 17 minutes of future thinking music�
BLAH BLAH MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW -�as good as it gets�
DISCOID MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW GUEST REVIEWS ��trippy electronica of the last 
part and theres also a decent Universal Funk jazz bossa version of the spy�.
DJ MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW �it was worth the wait !� 3.5/5 review
DJ MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW �broken beats instrumental awash with atmospheric strings�
DJ MAGAZINE (3RD REVIEW IN DIFFERENT ISSUE)-FULL REVIEW glimmers and shimmers like a trip to the stars in a diamond spaceship!�
BLUES & SOUL MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW -�sumptuous keys which are very body & soul�4/5.
LOGO MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW �play it to death�
BREAKIN POINT MAGAZINE �trippy broken beat with lush atmosherics�
KEEP ON MAGAZINE ��part 3 is atmospheric drenched compassionate string piece�

PLASTIKS MAGAZINE � �building on a synth bass but with more feeling'
XLR8R MAGAZINE �review submitted for issue 68.

DISCOID �as above
LITTLEPLANET.NET-�compassionate string led piece�
DEEPHOUSENETWORK �stunning results..
SKANSEN ��assured jazz beauty�

PATRICK FORGE-KISS FM �parts 1 & 3 are okay of royksopp mix as is the mix of the spy.
GILLES PETERSON �RADIO 1-the original mix sounds a little dated�.im playing other royksopp stuff but this mix may have been better as separate tracks. Hav is ok.
JURGEN JAZZANOVA �played hav on the radio show. like the beats on a3.
ONLY CHILD-not comfortable with athome project original or royksopp playing the universal funk mix.
CIAN � NATIONAL RADIO �IRELAND �played parts of royksopp mix
ALICK SETHI � NATIONAL STUDENT RADIO NETWORK �playing both b1 & b2 on the show.
NICK LUSCOMBE �xfm -playing parts 1 & 3 of the royksopp mix.
DJ MORPHEUS �RADIO CAMPUS/RADIO FM 4/RADIO GRENOUILLE ��im playing last and 1st part of royksopp mix
LUBI �STRAIGHT NO CHASER-love the spy track.9/10
PETE HERBERT � CUICA-playing parts 1 & 3 of royksopp mix. 8/10
ALEX ATTIAS �playing the universal funk remix�.
ALI JENGAHEADS �BEAT 106 played the �felling of care track and gave the album a big mention
SIMONE SERRITELLA �CUICA/BIG BANG-part 1 & the spy im playing�.6/10
AFRONAUGHT �BUGZ IN THE ATTIC-the spy is ok�.a side not for me..
ZERO DB �FLUID OUNCE �im just playing 3.hav which is great for chilling. Rest I can leave�.
AT JAZZ �thought the beats were a little flat for me on b side but I like a1 (mer) very playable and nicely produced.
MIKE CHADWICK � JAZZ FM �like the first part of royksopp mix but ends up down a suicidal cul de sac after that.
MATTHEW K �radio magnetic �like mer but for the floor�.universal funk mix.8/10
PAUL GAMBLIN � RTRFM �Austria prefer the b side.this is what im playing on the show�.
DANNY BUKEM � GOOD LOOKING �parts 1 & 3 are interesting on the royksopp mix but part 2 ??wassat ?!
DAN JORDAN �FUEGO � HARMLESS �a1/a3 & the universal funk remix of the spy get my vote.
MAD MATS CARLSON � RAW FUSION �im only playing hav..but this is extremely nice.
MARK ROBERTSON �SPIRITUAL SOUTH �playing a1.future boogie twisted biznizz.
JON KENNEDY �GRAND CENTRAL RECORDINGS �LIKE B1 most of all but a3 is spacey & lush.6/10.
SIMON HARRISON � DANCETRAX FM ��like parts 1 & 3 of royksopp mix�.whats going on in part 2 tho ?!!
ANDREW JERVIS �KUSF �USA ��played hav on the show 4.04.2003
SNORRE SEIM � BUTTI 49-part 1 & 3 of royksopp are good.fat production.8/10
DOMU �RIMA-theres good grooves in parts 1& 3 but they would have been better on their own.
WAI WAN �playing a3 & b2-interesting electronic textures�playing a3 the most.
NIGEL PRANKSTER �FORWARDSBACKWARDS RADIO/3 hedz �playing hav but I actually think original mix is great�.
TOMAS � XLR8R-played parts of royksopp mix on the show
RUSS DEWBURY � JAZZ ROOMS/TOTALLY RADIO.COM �like the spy remix most of all but a more dance floor mix would have been better for the clubs�
ROB LUIS � TRU THOUGHTS-played a3 on the radio show.
QUANTIC �the royksopp mix is a bit mad�.like certain parts of it �certainly not as a whole.


Reviewsin other languages
Bergen nov�m Bristolom?

Nie je to tak d�vno, čo sa bristolsk� sc�na stala povinnou v�bavou vari ka�d�ho milovn�ka modernej pop-music. Spočiatku pritom i�lo určite viac o music ne� pop, a kto bol od počiatku pri tom, smelo sa dnes m�e pova�ovať za jasnozriv�ho a odv�neho. Sign�ly z n�rskeho Bergenu vyvol�vaj� pocit d�ja vu. Navy�e spriaznenosť jednotliv�ch akt�rov je v nordickom pr�pade podmienen� nielen spoločn�m �ivotn�m priestorom, ale aj dlhoročn�m priateľstvom. Bud� R�yksopp, Ralph Myerz, Bjorn Torske alebo Athome Project nov�mi Massive Attack, Portishead či Reprazent? 
Zo zemepisn�ho hľadiska maj� N�ri predsa len ist� handicap. Angličanom sa v muzike viac ver�, anglick� posluch�či, d�kladne mas�rovan� komerčn�mi aj alternat�vnymi m�diami, m�ňaj� na hudbu zo v�etk�ch n�rodov najviac, čo je v konečnom d�sledku blahod�rne pre lok�lnu sc�nu. Severania si �krtn� a� vtedy, keď ich pre svet objav� niekto z Angličanov. Novin�r, DJ alebo rovno muzikant. �no, mo�no to znie neuveriteľne, ale s� popov� muzikanti, ktor� � nech u� z ak�chkoľvek pohn�tok � fandia undergroundu a propaguj� nov� men� aj s rizikom, �e posluch�č jedn�ho dňa ocen� viac nezn�meho nov�čika ako svoj star� idol.
Athome Project je kapelou jedn�ho mu�a, 27-ročn�ho multiin�trumentalistu Stiana Jacobsena. �ije na Sforde, malom ostrove neďaleko Bergenu, Na konte m� 5 maxisinglov a kamar�ti sa s R�yksopp. T�m je povedan� mnoh� � aj on ľ�bi a produkuje melodick� elektronick� tracky, presahuj�ce hranice ��nru smerom k funku a jazzu. Jednoducho povedan�: ak �liape slu�n� groove, koho by zauj�mali tak� podru�nosti ako �katuľky? Eponymick� albumov� debut tvoria spolovice in�trument�lne a spolovice vok�lne nahr�vky. Medzi najvydarenej�ie in�trument�lky patr� Analogue Acoustics. Ako u� n�zov trochu napoved�, ide o čosi ako drum and jazz, či�e v podstate jungle s kontrabasom a saxof�nom. Čosi podobn� nie je cudzie ani Reprazent alebo Benovi Humanovi. Athome nar�ba �ikovne s atmosf�rick�mi kl�vesmi, rozličn�mi pazvukmi a tekut�mi harm�niami, obvykle nad sol�dnym dubov�m z�kladom. Everything Changes je dobr�m pr�kladom toho, ako by čisto teoreticky mohol znieť Jarr�, nebyť diagn�z typu g�č a megalom�nia. 
Spev patr� Kanaďanke Cailtin Simpson a v�raznej�ie nevybočuje zo �tandardn�ho soul-jazzov�ho prejavu. Je zdravo dramatick� a� temn� a ťa���m k�skom dod�va ist� popov� flair. Do hitpar�d sa v�ak za ka�d� cenu netisne, čo potvrdzuje skoro samovra�edn� 17-min�tov� (!) trojdielny remix singla The Spy od inak čoraz popul�rnej��ch R�yksopp. Čisto teoreticky je v�ak mo�n�, �e pr�ve ten sa na na�ich a česk�ch diskot�kach ujme. R�yksopp toti� uv�dzaj�, �e sa pri remixovan� nechali in�pirovať, citujem, by the Czech 70�s movie �Three nuts for Cinderella�. Konečne niekto ocen� okrem K�jovho bo�sk�ho tenoru aj Jur�kovo erd�anie a Tajtrl�kovo brechanie? 
Daniel Bal�

SME Kult�ra
Beatservice je n�rske vydavateľstvo orientovan� na downtempo, ambient a elektronick� hudbu, ktor�ho nahr�vky u� mo�no k�piť aj na na�om trhu. Album Athome Project je debutom 27-ročn�ho Stiana Jacobsena, vystupuj�ceho pod pseudonymom Mr. Athome, ktor� sa doteraz objavoval predov�etk�m na r�znych sampleroch. N�padit� multiin�trumentalista sa hudbe naplno začal venovať, keď pre zdravotn� probl�my musel zanechať manu�lnu pr�cu. K�m v mestečku Troms� sa dar� ambientu, Bergen je domovom projektov odv�nej�ie laden�ho elektronick�ho popu.
Okrem zn�mej skupiny R�yksopp odtiaľ poch�dza aj Mr. Athome. Jeho nahr�vka stoj� predov�etk�m na duniv�ch rytmick�ch beatoch, nad ktor�mi znej� melancholick� zvuky syntetiz�torov. Chladn� zvuky v niekoľk�ch skladb�ch poľud�ťuje hlas spev�čky Caitlin Simpsonovej. (her)

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